Saturday, December 22, 2012

Comic News: Gail Simone BACK on BATGIRL!

Yes. You read that right. Just mere days ago, we reported of Gail Simone being fired. And that her contract with DC was up.  After that, Gail had announced on her twitter that she was doing something ... for DC ... after considerable fan out cry, social media mobbing and more. Gail had been offered to do stuff with other companies but stayed with DC.

  After that announcement, fans began to speculate what Gail was going to do. It was rumored when she left Firestorm that she was going to do a teen team book . ... which got fans thinking that she would be doing the upcoming spin-off title featuring Raven, Blue Beetle and more. Well, our answer came yesterday int ea form of a twitter.

Here’s a thing. Gail Simone is the new Batgirl writer.

   Gail Simone could now be considered the Queen of Comics. She got a successful Kickstarter with former Secret Six artist Jim Califiore. She was a driving force as to why people flock to read the new Batgirl series, even after the backlash of it not being Stephanie Brown.  Let's face it. Most fans cannot see anyone else write Batgirl than her. And fans  won. Dc over turned the editors decision and have Ray Fawkes only do 2 fill in issues. Gail returns with issue #19. So, for all the fans of the internet ... here is what we think of Gail simone back on Batgirl:

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