Infinite Ryvius is a 26-episode anime series which aired in 1999.
The artistic presentation
is definitely not the selling point of Infinite Ryvius. I'll state
one of my major complaints with the show right off the bat: It is
permeated by numerous elements that feel tenuously connected to the
setting and the plot, and while the character designs aren't the
worst offenders, they're a good visual representation of the problem.
I can get behind the generic-but-acceptable “everyday kid” look
of some cast members, and the spiffy flight uniforms worn by the
group of elite pilots look halfway believable, but that's about as
far as these designs could take me. It's hard to feel any sort of
grounded connection to a series that frequently features a girl who
inexplicably wears a dinosaur costume on a training spaceship, an
antagonistic boy who looks like an outcast from Naruto, or...well,
whatever you want to call that pink nightmare ensemble that Neeya is
wearing. You get used to the fantastic and the over-the-top in anime,
but even by those standards, there are parts of this show's aesthetic
repertoire that can only be described as absurdly out of place.
It's also worth mentioning
that in addition to the design choices, the follow-through on the art
and animation in Ryvius is lackluster at best. Stiff, jerky movements
abound, and the character art, which is rough to start with, suffers
noticeable degradation in quality at many points. The cinematography
during some of the space battles is so poor that I genuinely don't
think I would have been able to tell what was happening if not for
the narration offered by the characters. Still-frames, poor
transitions, reused footage—any technique that could shave a dollar
off the cost of animation is used, and used frequently. On a more
positive note, the space backgrounds aren't half bad, and the mecha
and ship designs are pretty impressive in comparison to everything
I swear that I'm not
trying to beat this show up based only on its technical side, but
frankly, whoever thought that this musical score was a good idea
deserves to be beaten up, figuratively and literally. To elaborate on
that a little, I'll say that the soundtrack is unique—it's a mix of
jazzy contemporary, soft atmospheric noise, and grandiose orchestra,
all underscored by a distinct flair of hip-hop influence. That sounds
strange on paper, and in this particular case, it isn't any better in
practice. I've been impressed by hip-hop and electronic soundtracks
in the past, but most of the music in Ryvius consists of simplistic
beats that sound tinny and uninspired. One track features a man (who
I can only assume was hard-up for cash at the time) repeatedly
rapping the word “Ryvius.” I wish I could say I was kidding. It
is one of the worst pieces of music that I have ever heard. The score
has its high points, but they're few and far between; in general, it
actively detracts from the show. Good integration is theoretically
possible even with a sub-par soundtrack, but the music in Ryvius
fails to jive with what's happening at any given point in time.
Upbeat tracks play while people are panicking and dying, not just
once, but with unerring frequency. Sometimes the music will start,
barely manage to reach a point where it's noticeable, play for five
or ten seconds, and then stop abruptly to match an awkward scene
transition. My impression of the sound in Infinite Ryvius matches my
impression of many other things in Infinite Ryvius: It's tacked-on
and it feels unnatural.
The series hurries to
introduce disaster; it takes all of two episodes to get to the “kids
trapped on ship trying to stay alive” premise. The beginning is
rushed, clearly, but it works; it breeds tension and arouses
curiosity about how the situation will play out. It introduces the
large cast, briefly but sufficiently, and tosses them all into the
fray. But just as it gets to the point where the pot should start
boiling, the series freezes. It has no idea what to do, and
perversely, it brings some of its less convincing sci-fi elements to
bear in a series of dreadfully uneventful mecha battles which mostly
consist of the characters shouting inarticulate technobabble at one
another. There's precious little indication that these battles have
anything to do with the plot as a whole, and indeed, once the story
is complete it becomes glaringly obvious that they serve almost no
purpose other than to kill time. Isn't that an oddity; at the points
where they occur, these fights lack the context to be suspenseful or
engaging, but in retrospect, that context makes them seem silly and
unnecessary. Nor do they appear to affect the characters in any way.
You would think that these constant reminders of how tiny and mortal
they are would drive the kids mad, but it seems like most of the
character conflict pushing the story would have occurred with or
without eight episodes worth of borderline junk.
Speaking of those
characters, it's on their behalf that I can finally give the show
some much-needed credit. The cast is huge, and individually they
aren't the most complex bunch, but the show manages to juggle a
pretty involving web of relationships that ends up bearing some
rewards. There is a gritty and understated wit to the way the
characters interact that I found myself appreciating more than
anything else in the show—they mock each other gently, threaten
each other softly, and on the rare occasions where they help each
other, they do so with great humanity and sincerity. There is no
clear-cut good or evil present in the series; everyone is an
antagonist to someone, whether they know it or not. Some of them hate
each other, but at the same time they recognize the need for one
another. The ship's pilots don't like the thugs and the thugs don't
like the pilots, but neither can exist without the other; they know
it and it shows in the way they act, which is both clever within the confines of a character drama and true to
how a society really functions.
Ryvius also manages to
generate a fair amount of effective drama by taking character
archetypes and forcing them to react to adversity. The pushy,
aggressive, prideful brother? Make him get overpowered by a stronger
boy and turned into an unwilling underling, then see how he handles
it. The peacemaking, kind-hearted girl who just wants everybody to
get along? Make her the target of merciless violence, and see if she
can still cling to her optimism. It isn't the most inspired or
original formula, but it's played well enough here—even in the very
early episodes, the series is careful to drop some subtle hints that
everyone might not be who they initially appear to be, and some
equally subtle hints that some of the cast are undergoing
transformations, for better or for worse. Sometimes those
transformations are a bit over-the-top, but I'll forgive that,
because in general I found myself having just enough emotional
investment in the characters to not want to see them break under
pressure. In some of its human elements, at least, the series soundly
struck the right note.
To get back to the story
for a moment, I talked about the show's beginning and middle, but not
about its last third or so, which is the most satisfying part. It's
not perfect. It's a plot that definitely requires a stretch on the
part of the viewer to appreciate. But the fact that the series
actually manages to snap out of its lengthy funk and make something
of a story that initially appears to be a complete mess is
commendable. Not only do some of the science fiction aspects come
full circle, but the show actually manages to draw a meaningful
parallel between the unseen antagonists and the children they're
targeting, which is a surprising and welcome turn of events. The last
third of Ryvius makes all the difference in the world. It manages to drag the series out of the quagmire of mediocrity that the middle
nearly drowned it in and breathe some life into it. There still isn't
any excuse for the painful ineptitude I mentioned earlier, but that
the writers actually managed to pull themselves together for the home
stretch is nothing to sneeze at.
To pin down just what ails
Infinite Ryvius: It's ambitious to a fault. There are way too many
scarcely explained, grandiose sci-fi concepts placed alongside the
comparatively grounded character interactions, and for the most part
they end up feeling misplaced. Things like the Geduld, the
destructive natural phenomenon that suddenly appeared in outer space,
or the Sphixes, the beings which are associated with controlling the
giant robots. Or the giant robots themselves, for that matter. Some
of them do actually end up working, and when that happens they couple
quite well with the show's human half. I can see what the series is
going for, certainly, but if I had to pick a number, I'd say that
it's sixty percent of the way there; not every thread is tied off,
not every connection is firm. Its world just isn't made whole on the
level that you'd expect a sweeping sci-fi to operate on. But I do
think this show earns the privilege of at least some recognition,
mostly on the basis of its characters and the way it manages to steer
itself into a graceful ending. It does just enough right for me to
give it the benefit of the doubt, and a cautious recommendation.
Score: 6/10; cautious recommendation.
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