Thursday, July 11, 2013

1st Impression: FATHOM - THE ELITE SAGA # 4

Written by JT Krul, David Wohl & Vince Hernandez
Art by V. Ken Marion, Mark Roslan & Kyle Ritter
Aspen Comics


                This issue opens with a face to face between Aspen, “Cannon” and Kiani, who is narrating for the first few pages about her past with him. We find out that Cannon was used to be a host to a being named Taras. After that, we get some action. It seems that “Cannon” wants the baby for a different purpose all together.

                And then we get some action as Aspen and Kiani try to get Cannon only to meet up with the  violet grunts that we saw since # 1.  The grunts by Cannon time to leave with the baby but eventually, Aspen and Kiani free themselves.

                Meanwhile, Killian seems to question himself and that what if Anya ran away from him with their baby in order to save her.

                Major revelations are revealed behind “Cannon’s” plans and the baby as we get ready for the final face off.


                The art for this issue was top notch from start to finish. Marion’s panel work is beyond impressive and downright heavenly to look at this issue. The use of the 3 major player’s face with panels on the side for the first 3 pages is an old trick in comic but not usually done in odd numbers. Marion makes it work very well this issue.

                 Marion and Roslan create gloriously gripping backgrounds and kinetic action with their smooth pencils and crisp inks. This issue was definitely some of their best work yet. All the characters were distinct with very different faces, bodies and displayed emotion well. The flow of the book artistically was really gripping and kept you glued. Ritter’s colors dazzle to make Marion and Roslan’s work even that much better with great use of sharper colors when needed and decent use of shades.

                This book continues to be an artistic masterpiece.


                What Krul, Wohl and Hernandez have done in this issue has set the bar. The stakes were high and only made higher. The enemy very personal to the people involved. The characters showing different emotions throughout the issue were both relatable and right on point when it came to the plot of the story. That fact that Killian is showing regret did not seem to come out of nowhere; it felt very real. This is writing. This is excellent work.

                The dialogue was right on point.  Krul scripts a great issue alongside all the action that happens. The pacing was perfect. And with the reveal at the end of what Cannon is and what he wants to do … it only will make readers that much more excited.  Comic book writing at it’s best.


                Stellar Writing. Outstanding Art. Comics at it’s best.


                I give Fathom: The Elite Saga # 4 … a 10 out of 10.

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