Thursday, July 11, 2013

1st Impressions: NIGHT OF THE 80s UNDEAD Review

Written by Jason Martin
Art by Bill McKay
Action Lab Entertainment


                So we open to some narration about the book taking place in the 80s. During the Regan Era where the Cold War is high … and lots and lots of cocaine. Quick … cut to Magnum PI … or one hell of a facimilie is doing coke … and take someone’s head off with teeth and hands.

                Cut to a teenage girl who was walking outside to meet with her friend. The teen is named Sarah, who is looking very nerdy. Her friend Linda, looking wholesome, picks her up. In true 80’s fashion, the girls drive off and change to go to a party to have fun. Meanwhile, a slew of stars are having “nose candy” as it gets tubular. Major actors and stars enjoy fun coke party while one party has a particular foreign actor talking about having lots of sex.

                Sarah finds the party that Linda took her too is quite boring to her since there is only alcohol. And Sarah walks over to the party next door … you know … the one with the stars. Linda follows her and the tow meet up with a star … with underwear on its head.


                McKay’s style may seem simplistic but really works well for the book and story. All of the celebrities that were hinted at looked much like their real life versions. The backgrounds were impressive. McKay captures the 80s in a very, visually appealing way.  The simple style allows for a good range of emotion. The panels are well done. The gore was well done. Kind of campy but that definitely fits the story.

                McKay really has a strong outlines for characters while also allowing for fluid movement. The colors were vibrant this issue and the over all 80s theme was put on display with all the little things that really make this book feel that it is a true ode to the 80s stylistically.


                Martin gives us a love letter to the 80s in this book. Martin nails the atmosphere, the vocabulary and the campiness of the 80s in a really, greatly crafted story. The main characters were 80s tropes but still allows for some development. Sarah, would normally, be more timid of the two but he switched that up with Linda. Sarah is definitely more of a bad girl wanting to have fun but even more outspoken. Linda was definitely the 80s female sidekick and was a lot of fun.

                The famous people in this comic came out of droves!  We got actors from television, sports & movies were gracing themselves .. . also main characters and Martin works them in perfectly. Martin exploits the 80s in a fun way where the entire experience of the book is enjoyable. The plot is easy to follow. The idea of how the “zombies” in this book are unconventional. This was a very, smartly written plot. The dialogue is witty, 80s centric but very relatable. And Martin can go from funny to scary in a blink of an eye.  Simply one of the best comics I have ever read.


                Really great art. Full of surprises. Great characters. Interesting storyline and plot. And everything about this book screams fun and horrible all at the same time. The book has a choice for a soundtrack with even what to listen to watch track during what scene. Brilliant in concept & execution. One of the most original & fun books I have ever read.


                This is so 80s but in a good way. This book is fun and wonderful. I give Night of the 80s Undead a far out 10 … Out of 10! BUY THIS BOOK!

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