Sunday, July 13, 2014

All New Soulfire #6 Review

Written by JT Krul & Frank Mastromauro
Art by V. Ken Marion, Mark Roslan, John Ercek & Erick Arciniega
Lettering by Josh Reed
Aspen Comics

 This will be a spoiler free review. 

                We get the aftermath of Malikai revealing that Michael is a fake and find that Malikai’s reveal had some unexpected effects. Meanwhile, Rainier shows why magic is such a force in this world and the price that Cole and Jayden will have to pay for find out.

                The issue is very well paced. There has been several different subplots that Krul has juggled but this issue, it deals with two main issues primarily: Malikai dealing with the aftermath of his actions and Rainier being confronted by Cole and Jayden. And while Malikai’s plot gets handled well, getting into some philosophical debates, the majority of the issue deals with some development for Rainier, Cole and Jayden.
                Krul does a good job present us with how deep Rainier’s plot is going as we do get some very powerful scenes with him, Cole and Jayden in the book. The issue flows extremely well. And while we do not get a mention of Abel this issue, unlike it states in the over, Krul uses the space effectively as he brings out more of Cole and Jayden this issue as a result. It is kind of a double edge sword there … not having Abel there but making sure to finish out a plot and develop characters that were already set in motion.
                That’s the only thing that really goes against it. Otherwise, the dialogue was excellent and the pacing was great.

                This book continues to be beautiful. Marion, Roslan and Ercek do so very well to breathe life into this book.  The artists give a good amount of detail, detailed clothing and characters that really stand out and good perspectives. Yet, I found in this issue that backgrounds were scarce. There are backgrounds with color and there are fully detailed background. I found that the non detailed background might be a bit much in some instances … but otherwise, this art continues to be amazing. Arciniega’s colors really bring out the best of Marion, Roslan & Ercek’s art, giving a great tone and mood to every scene. 
                The action in the issue was great and Marion, Roslan and Ercek convey emotion so very well that it really keeps your eyes glued. A great job by this team.


                This was a good issue with developing plots, character development and answering some questions. That said, both covers for the issue feature characters not in the issue at all and the lack of backgrounds here and there was slightly disconcerting. Yet, these aren't that major in the grand scheme of things.   The art and characterization really are superb and this issue makes me want more.  I give All New Soulfire # 6 a 3.5 out of 5. 

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