Wednesday, March 14, 2012


  Ladies and Gents, once again, we got another interview with another internet personality. This time from the Ikaricast & the Next Gen podcast, it is 16-bit Jeff.

by Frankie Rodriguez

CBC: So Jeff, you've been pretty busy of late with your shows and new games coming out, right?

16-bit Jeff: .... Yes XD

 CBC: For our readers, what has been consuming your life of late in terms of Video Games?

16-bit Jeff: Let's See... Mass Effect 3 for one (and it's was not Fun Times with Shepard T_T)

 CBC: Ouch. I heard.

16-bit Jeff: Thank You for understanding my pain

CBC: Some people also know that you are an avid comic book fan, correct?

16 Bit Jeff : you are correct :)

CBC: Who or what got you interested in comics in the first place?

 16 Bit Jeff: What got my into Comics, was a Combination of the Cartoons & the Respective Series that were released in the 90's. For Example... X-Men, Spider-Man, Silver Surfer, WildCats...

 CBC: So the cartoons were the gateway drug into comics? What stood out about those books for you back then?

16-bit Jeff: Well. Like Anything.... The Story. The Reason Why I like Spider-Man is becauese he's one of the Most Reconizable and Relatable Characters in the Marvel Universe. Ironically, Majority of the Marvel Heroes Start off with a Random Tragedy happening to them.... God Bless You, Stan "The Man" Lee! :D

 CBC: *laughs* You do have a great point. So, what are some of your favorite stories in comics?

16-bit Jeff: It's Mostly with Writers rather than Arcs. I'm a Fan of Geoff Johns, Brian Azzarello, Mark Waid, Jeff Parker, Stan Lee, Peter David, Dan Slott, Brain Bendis, and ALOT more..... (and yes I'm a Fan of Mark Millar, DEAL WITH IT!)

CBC: Hey. hey. I love Mark Millar's stuff too. I get flack for liking Bendis, Fraction  & Brubaker. Are you still reading comics? And if so, what have you been reading recently?

16-bit Jeff: Yes. I've been reading a lot of Comics recently. Ongoing Series that I would reccomend: Tom Waltz & Kevin Eastman's TMNT Series (IDW), Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (MARVEL), Ultimate Comics X-Men (MARVEL), Action Comics (DC), The Flash (DC), Wonder Woman (DC), The Cape (IDW), Amazing Spider-Man (Marvel), Daredevil (Marvel), Avengers: Children’s Crusade (Marvel), Young Avengers (Marvel) and trust me... the List goes on and on. XD

CBC: Awesome. What do you think about DC's New 52, now that it's been half a year & are you picking up any of the 2nd wave titles?

16-bit Jeff: Honestly, I LOVE It. The 2nd Wave Titles I'm Picking: Dial H (for a Hero), Earth 2 & World's Finest (and Thanks to Brian of Laid Back Comics for helping me out as we speak)

CBC: Ah. So you are looking forward to the new Justice Society?  And how do you feel about Azarello's WW?

16-bit Jeff: Justice Society. Yes because I'm a fan of Robinson's Work. Azarello's work on Wonder Woman is what I Hoped what JMS Work on the Comic was during his Time... GOOD! In Defense, when I mean Good.... I mean of his work on the Comic Making Sense.

CBC: *laughs* So let's get to the dark side of comics for a second. Are they any comic book tropes that just turn you off or frustrate you?

16-bit Jeff: One Trope that I've Despise (that thanks to Poor writing) is Revolving Door Syndrome (or in laymen's Terms, Comic Book Deaths).

 CBC: How so? Just the overuse of it? How it's done?

16-bit Jeff: it's actually a mixture of both (Overuse & How it's Done). one of it being Overused is that It's a Poor Excuse to make a hero relevant once more (i.e. Superman's death in the early 90's). The Other Being How it's Done is of how they passed and When they are inevitably revived, it's no longer matters.

 CBC: So do you believe that any kind of resurrection cheapens a character?

16-bit Jeff: Unless if the Revival of a Deceased Character makes sense. Than Yes, It's Cheapens the Hero's/Villain's Last Stand. And This is One thing I love of the Ultimate Universe than 616. That is if someone dies in Ultimate, They STAY Dead!

CBC: I can see your point. So, tell me, what are you looking forward to in comics this summer?

16-bit Jeff: Two Events that I'm Looking forward to during this Summer are: X-Men vs. Avengers & Spider-Men... and Why do I have a feeling that Scott Summers Is going to perish during XvsA :D

CBC: Are you a fan of Scott Summers? Is it safe to say you are more of a Big 2 than an indy collector?

16-bit Jeff: I Do like Cyclops. I just think it's Hilarious he's becoming more like Magneto... as for Compays, I'm both a reader of the BIG 3 (Marvel, DC, Image) & of Indy (Oni Press, IDW, Top Cow, etc.)

CBC: Speaking of Cyclops, how do you feel about the X-Men books of late, now that they have split up?

16-bit Jeff: While i didn't like the Outcome Schism (it's still a great event comic)  of why they disbanded. I thought it was a smart move on Marvel's end. And While I still enjoy Uncanny X-Men, I Enjoy Wolverine & the X-Men more due to it's Story-telling & the book portraying Loganas a Headmaster of a School is Hilarious yet Interesting at the same time.

CBC: Ah, you mean the uncomfortable aspect of his (and some other characters') role correct?

16-bit Jeff: Exactly.

CBC: Is it hard to juggle between games and comics and you doing Ikaricast?

16-bit Jeff: In All Honestly, Not Really.

CBC: So, for our readers, what is coming up on the Ikaricast and for you?

16-bit Jeff: Well... For this week's Ikaricast. We are joined With Gundamn Podcast's Own SoulBroRyu to talk about the Recent Trends in the Fighting Game Community (most Infamously, SfXT's DLC & that whole Debacle). For my solo podcast, The Next-Gen podcast.... Stay Tuned.

CBC: Any final words you want to leave our Readers with?

16-bit Jeff: Thank You for Supporting the Ikaricast throughout the Years.

CBC: No problem. Thank you again Jeff.
For more on 16-bit Jeff, check out the Ikaricast and Next-Gen Podcast

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