Friday, December 28, 2012

Power Rangers Megaforce Lion Mechazord Review

Back from the Christmas break so here is my review of the Power Rangers Megaforce Lion Mechazord. Megaforce isn't on air yet and still almost all of the mecha have been released which is making it hard to catch up on them. Anyways here is the Lion Mechazord or Groudion from Tensou Sentai Goseiger. The American version isn't too different from the Japanese one but they are a few minor differences which doesn't really affect it much besides the added missiles. It still has the ability to remove the lion header and the good part is that it can still turn into a Robo Knight/ Gosei Knight figure. Unfortunately I don't have the Sky or Sea Lion bikes so I can't make the real combinations but the shark and phoenix mechazords look okay as a temporary limbs. The Lion Mechazord is a pretty good alternative for Groundion so if you couldn't afford the Japanese version this one is a nice replacement. Back from the Christmas break so here is my review of the Power Rangers Megaforce Lion Mechazord. Megaforce isn't on air yet and still almost all of the mecha have been released which is making it hard to catch up on them. Anyways here is the Lion Mechazord or Groudion from Tensou Sentai Goseiger. The American version isn't too different from the Japanese one but they are a few minor differences which doesn't really affect it much besides the added missiles. It still has the ability to remove the lion header and the good part is that it can still turn into a Robo Knight/ Gosei Knight figure. Unfortunately I don't have the Sky or Sea Lion bikes so I can't make the real combinations but the shark and phoenix mechazords look okay as a temporary limbs. The Lion Mechazord is a pretty good alternative for Groundion so if you couldn't afford the Japanese version this one is a nice replacement. please rate comment subscribe Check out Herotaku: check out the following Check out these stores for some good stuff check out the facebook group as well and JOIN! Check out the Podcast blog for news or to listen to the podcast (its some entertaining stuff I tells ya) and check out the following blogs and youtube channels

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