Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Executive Assistant Assasins #7 review

It looks like I'm taking my first step into reviewing an Aspen comics book. Let's see what we have here... oh! It's Executive Assistant Assassins 

This is issue 7 and it's being reviewed by Jeremias de Leon


There are female assassins who are banding together to try and take out a particular enemy they all have a grudge against. During the issue they try to start to work together instead of being lone wolves as they learn that isn't the best way to handle things right now.

This issue has some exposition on who and what exactly the assassins are after but the book is really focused on why. Their motivations are explored more than anything else and so is their enemy's. Also of note, is how this explorations is being done. Instead of walls of text from inner monolog it's all done from the characters interacting with each other and talking to each other, with dialog that's believable as well and not stilted or wooden.


In short Executive Assistant Assassin's is well... pretty. Very pretty.  Not just the women characters either. There's a tiger and a leopard shown that are drawn really well, and the weapons each girl wields are really well drawn and sleek looking. One could say the guns are just as sexy as the girls. The action, and there's plenty of it, is drawn with dynamism and impact. Which is why there happens to be one panel that sticks out like a sore thumb. It's just one panel near the end of the book but it lacks any motion or conveyance of impact compared to the rest of the really well drawn book.

In short this is still fantastic art, that one panel aside this whole comic really is eye candy and I have a strong urge to continue reading the book to see more art.

The cover and interior art is just gorgeous


At first glance it may seem a little bit cheesy with the story being about extremely sexy assassins wearing skimpy and tight outfits. But it's not terrible, and it's not fluff either. Check it out, it definitely won't hurt and you will get more out of it than you thought if you've never read Executive Assistant Assassins (or EA: Iris) before. If you have been reading before then I say don't stop now it's definitely not fallen off and the story is only heating up from here.

Sexy, tough, smart the women in Executive Assistant Assassins are the total package I give this an 8.5 out of 10.

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