Wednesday, January 23, 2013

First Impressions: Harbinger #8

Written by Joshua Dysart
Art by Lee Garbett & Moose Baumann
Valiant Comics


            This issue opened with interesting imagery narrated by our new cast member, Torque. With interesting imagery that was an homage to a cult film with a great use of the main plot to move all the characters along definitely make this issue feel nice and meaty.

            Harada meets up with his Benedict Arnold, Livewire, who helped Peter escape earlier on in the series.

            Meanwhile, Flamingo and Kris have a chat about her joining the cause. The truth behind Torque gets revealed when Peter goes to see him. And Faith … kinda just floating around.  Things get really crazy towards the end of the issue … and that is after Torque making out with Mermaids in the first page.


            Lee Garbett does a great job this issue with the pencils and inks. Yet, the slight problem with the issue is that there are a few panels that seemed hurried in comparison to the rest of the book. Yet, there are some really strong pencils & inks this issue. From some wonderful panels in the first page to Peter shielding Kris in this issue.

            My main issue with Garbett is like I said, a few panels seemed a bit hurried and did not look as good as the rest of the issue. The art consistency could be attributed to a few things. Overall, Garbett does a solid job this issue.


            This issue feels nice and full. There is a lot that happens and nothing feels shoehorned in. Dysart really seems to be getting into the heads of these characters and really fleshing them out. His use of cult classic Heavy Metal animated movie as a story device to move the issue along while developing Torque as a character was definitely one of the most inventive thing I have seen in a while. While I have seen this device used before, I have never seen it done this well before. It fits seamlessly with the other “real life” scenes that help move the story & characters along.

            Torque makes a great debut here in a strong, relatable way. Flamingo and Kris really start to flesh themselves out here, developing as character. And while Faith was there merely as a plot device, she still was a welcome addition. Peter is starting to come into his own as a leader. These are all characters I feel invested in. I want to see the Renegades in action. I want to see them succeed.  And it is nice to see this turning into a David vs Goliath scenario consider that Livewire stated that Peter would go for the “weakest” of the Harbingers. After this one issue, I really, REALLY REALLY want to see the pay off.

            Strong writing by Dysart.


            Torque makes an explosive and creative debut this issue. Dysart and Garbett delivers a strong issue that moves along ongoing plot while being a very strong single issue. The characters are interesting and you see growth. The challenges seem to keep raising steadily. The art was good … with only some inconsistencies in some panels. The pacing and overall story was superb. This was a strong issue.

            Harbinger is becoming an epic of youth, super powers and standing up for what you believe in (or “the Man”).


            Good Art. Great Writing. Spectacular Characters. Wonderful & Inventive Imagery. I give Harbinger # 8  an 8.5 out of 10.

Keep it Up!


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