Friday, June 28, 2013

Laid Back Comics: Captain America #8

Early in the week, I was catching up my reading of Captain America mostly due to a back-log of comics I had not gotten to yet. Cap is one of my favorite Marvel characters and for the last several years has had a string of excellent stories behind him. When Marvel NOW came about Captain America would be changing hands to a new team and with that it would also be a dramatic shift in the story, which one often sees after a long run by one team ends and a new one jumps on. Rick Remender and John Romita Jr set out not only do something different, they jumped genres turning the book into a Sci-Fi dystopian dimension jumper  and at first it seemed to work, but as the series contained soon it started to feel like it was just starting to drag little by little to sit and wonder when will it end.

Issue 8 feels though things that been setting up throughout a lot of the series would be coming to head and in a way a possible end was in sight, of course it wasn't going to be easy for Steve having to face off with the son of Zola who he had help to raise and now on the end of another major beating. It is one thing the series I do feel is positive is the never give up and die aspect of Captain America, with the major revelation and now facing off with the consequence at hand. Sadly what would be dramatic scenes are filled with the clichéd speech of a child berating Captain America explaining how awful the country he represents really is.  It is odd to have a character in this brand new environment and yet we have familiar speech coming from one of the characters.

Tension to the issue is the key, like mentioned we are slowly seeing an end in sight characters like Zola and his daughter who has seemly turned against his teaching start to face off we also see a brilliant turn for Captain and Ian/Leopold. Steven using his short time fathering the child to hopefully bring him back from the reaches that his true father has tried to take him. Before getting suddenly silenced by the big reveal of the book, which in of itself wasn't too shocking the more you sit and think about it. It raises more questions than answers and they then leading to a new issue to come out. As close to the end of the story we seem to get another chapter seems to be added on.

Though John Romita Jr is doing one of the best Jack Kriby characters and worlds here that it would be amazing to see him try his hand at other Fourth World characters. Art alone is the shining light on the book, though while we get amazing scenes with his art, there seems to be struggles in other places, the faces change shape or look fish like with side lines. Group shots of seems to run into one another.  Dean White colors also are a little inconstant, one time dull and faded then moving to bright. Sometimes they would fit with one is happening on panel and others time it doesn't.

While the series so far has started off fresh both in writing and art has slowly turned into just another weird tale of Rick Remender along the lines of Franken-Castle. If I loves it then there is nothing to say, here I am just waiting for this to end and check out the possible next story.

OVERALL: 7.0 out of 10

Bryan "BAC" Clendening writes for The Broken Infinite. Follow him on Twitter @BAClend

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