Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Review of Batman, the Dark Knight #1-5

By Darryll “YTC” Carter

Writer: Paul Jenkins
Penciller/Writer: David Finch
Inker: Richard Friend
Colors: Jeromy Cox
Letters: Sal Cipriano

***Spoiler Warning***
Hello again Clashers, Darryll ‘YTC’ Carter here. It’s that time of the week again. It is time for the world to rejoice with new comics and time for us to give you another review. With the Batman, the Dark Knight #6 coming out today. It seemed fitting to give a review on issues #1-5. Jump in.

The New 52’s run of the Dark Knight starts with a reintroduction to Batman and his dual life. Batman goes through his usual motions and Bruce entertains a new potential love interest. All of this is pretty ordinary and riveting but it is when Bruce investigates a breakout at Arkham Asylum that things get interesting. He greeted by Gotham’s favorite, two toned district attorney, whom at first glance appears to be amped up on VENOM, Bane’s choice of poison. Batman wins by default as Two-Face passes out from the strain of his altered state. As it turns out, multiple Arkham ‘patients’  have been exposed to the same drug Two-Face succumbed to, presumably delivered by a new antagonist, the White Rabbit. Bruce tracks the lass, dressed as a playboy bunny to a speeding train where he encounters a Clayface impersonation of the Joker, high on the same juice Dent was using earlier in the evening.  Clayface is subdued and the Rabbit flees taunting Batman to follow. The Flash ironically arrives late to assist Bruce in his confrontation.

The batcomputer and Alfred get back to Batman with a tox anaylsis of the drug, and come to two conclusions; rare cactus and fear gas. Batman goes to speak with Ivy first, where Flash disappointingly gets pricked by a thorn laced with the mystery drug. He’s forced to run off, hoping the increased speed of his heart rate will stop him from metabolizing the drug. Bruce is left to deal with Ivy’s plants and discovers that, Ivy herself may have been taken/commissioned unwillingly to assist the drug’s manufacturer. The world’s greatest detective tracks Poison Ivy’s pheromone signature to an island just off the coast. Here is confronted by the Scarecrow, who surprisingly bests the Bat and injects Bruce with the drug he’s been fighting against for the past two days or so. Superman arrives a la Batman’s request for JLA assistance. But all the Man of Steel finds is a Dark Knight taken by the fear relinquishing drug. Issue #5 ends with Clark putting Bruce down in a painful manner and a sign that maybe Clark went too far.

In all, the story was nothing if not entertaining. It isn’t mind wrenching or as gritty as I expected the Dark Knight ongoing series to be. Especially in comparison to David Finch’s work on the pre- New 52, five issue incarnation of last year. Though there may be a mild trend building. Finch’s Dark Knight so far has had a fair share of guest appearances. The demon, Etrigan appeared in 2011’s run and the current run as already featured Wonder Woman, Superman and the Flash, which is exactly what I like to see; Batman centered tales with cameos. Of the current ongoing Batman only titles, I enjoyed the Dark Knight the most.

Having said that, there were some issues I had… potentially petty issues. The first issue is the inclusion of Clayface masquerading as the Joker …again. I swear I read that same scenario just last year, not to mention the same plot device being used in the Batman: Arkham Cityvideogame. I don’t know who influenced who… just stop with the Clayface/Joker ploys for a bit. My other issue is with Bruce’s encounter with the Scarecrow. He knew from issue two that this drug had similarities with Scarecrow’s fear toxin. It seemed out of character for him to track Ivy down not prepared for that. Maybe his arrogance got the better of him? However, the story arc isn’t over and Scarecrow may not be the head honcho. This mastermind had enough pull to inject even Deathstroke with this “fearless” drug. Whoever is at the head of this, whether it is the White Rabbit or not, has their hands knee deep in the pockets of the villainous Underworld. Check out issue #6 to find out.

Hype Factor Run Down

·         Playboy Bunny antagonist, at first was a huge ‘wth’. The lingerie grew on me.

·         Joker/Clayface- “Wait till they get a load of me.” Ahhhh… good ole Nicholson.

·         The Flash and Wonder Woman made an appearance.

·         Batman threw down with Superman.

·         Bruce respects Poison Ivy’s intellect.

·         Batwoman made an appearance.

·         Deathstroke cut through the Batwing. Wth?

·         Damian is shown to be one of Bruce’s fears when under the influence of the toxin.


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