This has been a long time coming. Marvel's Premiere super hero teams having a battle ... again. But this time, the stakes are FAR higher than last. And the Avengers and X-Men are a lot different from what they were the last time both teams fought each other.
For the next 6 months, this bi-weekly series will take a look at the players, the books and the variables involved with Avengers vs. X-Men. What it means to both teams? What it means to individual characters and more. With the first round down and the fight just starting, we are gonna look at AvX #0 & # 1 as well as some interesting facts that we want to keep in mind during this storyline.
The Gauntlet has been thrown and now the begins the epic from Marvel: Avengers vs. X-Men. Who's side are you on and what will you do?
The Follow Summaries contain SPOILERS, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!:
For the Avengers, Brian Michael Bendis weaved a tale with Scarlet Witch, returning to her super hero roots in order to atone for her sins committed while under the control of Dr. Doom during Avengers Disassembled. (Yes, this has been confirmed during the Avengers: Children's Crusade maxi-series). She takes down M.O.D.O.K. and A.I.M. with assists from Ms. Marvel and Spiderwoman.
Carol, in her infinite wisdom, takes Wanda back to the Avengers mansion. Wanda protests this idea but both Carol (Ms. Marvel) and Jessica (Spiderwoman) go on about how the Avengers have been worried about her till ... the Vision shows up. (The original Vision that is). And he tells Wanda that she does NOT belong there and that he will never forgive her for using him in order to kill their friends ... most of those friends were resurrected during Avengers: Children's Crusade. (Seriously, Scott Lang is alive again and I am happy!!!)
So Vision is a douche as Carol is about to call him out on it but he stops her. Carol flies the crying Wanda away as Vision walks back into the mansion, shedding tears himself.
On the X-Men side of things, Jason Aaron tackles Cyclops, Emma Frost and Hope Summers for the first time since Schism and does not miss a beat. Hope wants answers and Cyclops just goes on about how important Hope is to the mutants. Since Cyclops wasn't gonna give her an answer, Hope blasts him, mimicing his force blasts and flies off, using his jetpack.
Then we see what Hope does best ... Kick butt. She takes down the Serpent Society single-handedly as Cyclops and Hope come in to bring her home. Our #0 issue ends with the Phoenix force . . . and its coming.
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Now, during AvX #1: This is where things get real.
Our book opens the way the #0 issue ends ... with the Phoenix .. . this time, destroying a civilation.
Nova crashes on Earth violently. So violently, that the Avengers respond, saving people in the process.
Captain America and Iron Man tell the President the lowdown on the Phoenix force then ask Wolvie for help.
On Utopia, Cyclops is proving to be a harder drill instructor than his son, Cable. Cyclops sparring with Hope ... with him using his powers and Hope not being allowed to. During the session, we see the 2nd manifestation with Hope as the Phoenix as the bird comes up and burns Cyclops a little. Good job there Cyke. Pissing off your granddaughter. Must be so proud.
The Avengers pick this up and Cap drops by Utopia, TELLING Cyclops that they are taking Hope into protective custody while (unbeknowst to Scott, there is an Avengers team heading to space to try to head it off or destroy it. hahahhahahhahahahhhahahaha).
Scott tells Captain America, " Respectfully, get the hell off my island."
Captain America again states that he wasn't asking and Cyclops blasts Captain America.
Our story ends with a Helicarrier coming off of cloak with a bunch of Avengers on it while the Extinction Team and some of the Security Team X-Men looking from the beach.
Injury & Casualty List:
Nova: Epic crash onto Earth. Some burns and damage.
People of New York City: due to Nova's crash on Earth.
Cyclops: After Hope gives him a bit of Phoenix Power and he got burned for it.
The civilization that was destroyed by the Phoenix during the first few pages of AvX#1.
- Cyclops threw the first hit. Battle between Avengers and Extinction Team imminent.
- Hope Summers is not happy with Cyclops but definitely does not seem to want to be taken by the Avengers.
- Vision is a douchebag. Yes. A douchebag.
- Scarlet Witch is doing her best to atone for her past. What does that mean during the course of this crossover? We will have to wait and see. But there is a chance that we might see her WITH her two sons: Wiccan & Speed of the Young Avengers.
- No word on who THIS Nova is.
- Captain America wastes no time to see Wolverine. And Wolverine seemingly sides with the Avengers pretty quickly.
- Emma Frost and Cyclops have seemingly switched personalities. Back in New X-Men (# 34, I think), Ms. Marvel had visited during Civil War to convince the X-Men to join Tony Stark's side. Emma telepathically showed Carol what the Avengers decided to take a blind eye too: Stating where were the Avengers during all these massacres of mutants. Cyclops told Emma to stop and walked Carol out.
Yet, Emma recently went to Cyclops, telling him that Hope needs to choose for herself. And Cyclops then tells Captain America where were the Avengers when they needed them. Interesting circle, huh?
NEXT TIME: The War Begins. And we look at the variables.
Nova has "some burns and damage"??? How about "in a coma"?
ReplyDeleteYou are right. We will make a correction and state it during the next Battle Report, which posts on Apr 25th