Wednesday, April 18, 2012




Written by Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
Art by Garry Brown
Dark Horse Comics


            Hello Clashers. Once again, tis your EIC, Frankie Rodriguez here to provide you with more. More quality content for all our readers, new and old. I know some people are really enjoying our reviews and we here at Comic Book Clash enjoy writing them. If you notice though, the majority of our reviews are on whole storylines and arcs. Usually, they are almost never 1 issue. Well, this changes that. First Impression will be how we look at a series through an issue we pick up. It can be a first issue, a jump on point or just a book we decided to buy cause it looked cool. This will open some new doors. First Impressions will be different. We are reviewing an issue on its merits which is slightly different. While our overall reviews will be storylines, First Impressions will be about how an issue stands on its own. These will be smaller, for obvious reasons and will go through a 1-5 star rating. Don’t worry, we will be having reviews of both storylines and single issues, just in 2 different ways. Thank you again and keep clashing.

                                                                                    Comic Book Clash Editor-in-Chief
                                                                                                            J1 Studios
                                                                                                            Frankie Rodriguez


            Dark Matter #1 opens in space, inside a spaceship, with a man leaving what seems to be a statis pod. More awaken and they all have several things in common: 1 – they all do not remember who they are. 2 – They do remember skills that help set them apart. 3 – They are all suspects of crimes that including making sure everyone forgot who they were and how they ended up lost.

            When the ship has trouble, the six go to fix it but only find out that there is another passenger. And that’s just the beginning.



            I enjoyed the art. It was strong with a noir feel to all the space melodrama that seemed to be happening within the first issue. The noir feeling in the art by Garry Brown added to the mystery of the book and helped make the spaceship and the people on it feel more alien. Ryan Hill’s coloring only helped enhance the mysterious setting; giving an impression to the reader that we feel almost as lost as the crew of the ship. Very well done.


            As far as writing goes, Dark Matter #1 felt like a tv pilot. A GOOD tv pilot. And I know why. Writers Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie have written good sci-fi before … for Stargate series of shows. This only helps add cred to their work here.

The characters all had distinct personalities which really worked cause we did not really get to know their names (Cause they don’t remember them). And some of the people I don’t like already … but in a good way. Writers that make me get up in arms about a character that is not even real is a good writer in my book. The pacing for this was excellent. This was not a fast read or a slow read. It moved at just the right pace. And the cliffhanger ending made we want more.


            Dark Matter #1 was entertaining, curious and well written. The gothic/sci-fi blend of art helped deepen its mystery and helped set the tone of the series. The characters were enjoyable. The pacing was excellent. I really could not see anything wrong.

That is why I give Dark Matter #1 from Dark Horse Comics a 5 . . .out of 5.  And now I want to read more.

That is all for now. Later.

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