Tuesday, August 20, 2013

1st Impression: BLOODSHOT # 0 Review

Written by Matt Kindt
Art by Chrisscross & Moose Baumann
Valiant Comics

                We get the origin of Bloodshot and find out that … well, there has been more than one Bloodshot throughout the decades.  We get a look behind the man who created the current Bloodshot through art and narrative of the scientist’s journal. As we find out, the current Bloodshot is created from a minority (never quite clear if it is a just a Black Man or Hispanic for the current Bloodshot) as we learn of the secrets of the nanites as well.

                WOW. I have followed Chrisscross for 2 decades now (Since his work on Blood Syndicate) and this was some of his best work to date. Chrisscross really has a dynamic, polished style that is full of detail, interesting angles and inventive panel work (many of the pages have blood spattered in the background) There are some very brutal, graphic scenes but Chrisscross handles it with style. The panel work, again, was AMAZING.  Shots from under head. Shots from overhead.  Chrisscross pulled out all the stops in this one. There where side shot panels. There were close ups. Chrisscross has a great fair of the cinematic on display this issue as we see Bloodshot from all angles, which really just added to the story. Great composition of anatomy and the extra details added … from the background to the exposed organs … were a real treat as well.
                Baumann’s colors shined here. With some vivid imagery, Baumann out did himself with make sure Chrisscross’s pencils and inks really stood out. There was this wonderful vibrancy in this issue with this work that I did not see in other issues. It really caught my eye. A masterfully rendered issue by this art team.  I only wish they were staying.
                So, Duane Swierczynski is out. Now, we have a one shot written by upcoming Unity writer, Matt Kindt. And what we get is a masterful issue. This one #0 issue covers a lot of lore with Bloodshot; answering some questions we were dying to know as well as giving us whole new questions to ask. Kindt ads to Project: Rising Spirit’s history with having Bloodshot be around for decades. And there was a constant evolution to the character.
                As such, Kindt really does answer a lot of questions in a very organic way. The dialogue used felt very natural and the narrative, using the journal to help the story along, was very authentic and heart felt. Kindt allowing the story to unfold through pictures in one way while telling a different story with the narrative worked extremely well for the issue.  Kindt throws a lot of interesting surprises this issue … including the origin of the current Bloodshot …which fits with the continuity established by Swierczynski while adding his own spin on it. (ie. Slight spoiler: the current Bloodshot was made from a minority male: Black , Hispanic, etc.  …) A masterful issue that makes me look forward to more. But alas, Matt Kindt is not writing Bloodshot permanently.  Still, an exceptional showing for this #0 issue.


                Easily, my favorite #0 of all the Valiant Titles. This gave us origins, surprises, great dialogue, talked about learning to be human with dynamic art that really did something different and held your attention. Kindt writes a smart script and lets his art team tell its own story as well … tying it all together in a strong package. Chrisscross and Baumann form a FORMIABLE art team that I truly wish was staying together after this issue. LOVED this issue.

                Violence, heart, questions of soul and humanity, mixed with some of the best art I have seen this year … I give Bloodshot # 0 a perfect 10 … out of 10.

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