Saturday, March 30, 2013

Comic News: Top Cow Reveals 2012 Talent Hunt Winners!


    by Frankie Rodriguez

         Top Cow President Matt Hawkins Unveiled the winners of this year's Talent Hunt: artists Rom & Martin Gimenez as well as writers Eugene Ward, Kenneth Porter and Hannibal Tabu. Normally, the Talent Hunt was limited to just artists who would have one shots printed and fans would vote for winners based on an American Idol styled process. This past year, Top Cow went digital and added writers to the mix.

        Matt Hawkins told CBR: "It was originally intended as an artist-only thing, as it's easy to do an art talent hunt. I added the writer portion when I realized that there really aren't that many ways for writers to break in. Writers either have to buy their way in by self-publishing, or they have to get a gig at a publisher and segue into writing. I'm sure there are some, but I don't know a writer who's broken into the comic industry on a blind submission."

  He almost mentioned that the writers were very hard to decided, partially because of over 800 writer submissions on top of the 300 artist submissions. Artist -Rom is from Italy. Writer Eugene Ward, with his Nottingham pitch which stuck out to Hawkins, is from Australia while the rest of the winners are from the United States. Readers should see their work later this year or early 2014. Congratulations to all the winners.

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