CBC: So Xaos, you've done well over 100 episodes of the Ikaricast, how does it feel?
Xaos: It feels like I've become a man of destiny. XD Nah, in all honesty it feels great. Almost like I'm an actual talk show radio host. I don't think I put as much work as they do, but I do feel real comfortable with speaking with pretty much anyone now and be able to make it entertaining.
CBC: Do you find that your confidence helps you in your work?
Xaos: Most definitely. If you don't have confidence to speak with your guest the program or segment you're recording or broadcasting will sound awkward.
CBC: So besides a love for Anime, Gaming and even Tokusatsu . . . you love comics and art as well, correct?
Xaos: You are correct good sir.
CBC: What kind of comics have you been enjoying lately?
Xaos: I believe Jeff has mentioned some of the same comics I've been reading like DareDevil and Wonder Woman. But other series I've been enjoying lately are the new Superman, Blue Beetle, and... pretty much whatever Dan Slott is doing with Spider Man. I really am enjoying his work
CBC: Interesting. Mark Waid's Daredevil has been heralded the best run on the comic in years and one of the best of 2011. Do you think it lives up to that hype?
Xaos: Does it live up the hype? Hmm, indeed Mark Waid's Daredevil run is great, but I don't think Brubaker's run needs to live up to the hype, and I don't think he's trying to. Which is why I feel this current run is doing great. Sometimes with trying to follow up an act like that you shouldn't try to match it but do your own thing.
CBC: Do you feel that a lot of writers and/or artist try to recreate and/or live up to a previous, popular run?
Xaos: I do feel that writers do that, unfortunately. There's arcs I see where it seems writers will try and recreate things like Superman's death for DC comics, or in Marvel there always seem to be some sort of Skrull invasion. I'm not going to judge Avengers vs X Men until I actually read it, but I have a feeling some repeats of Civil War are going to happen.
CBC: Do you feel like originality has died in comics? Only in the big 2?
CBC: Okay. How did you feel about the New 52? And how do you feel about Blue Beetle Pre New 52 to current Blue Beetle?
Xaos: Like I'm sure the other guys said, I'm loving the new 52. Especially Superman, Wonder Woman, and... I'm kicking myself for not having picked it up yet... The Flash. I'm a little frustrated that DC decided to keep Green Lantern in the same continuity though. It's not a deal breaker for me, I'll still read the comics but I would've liked to see a Green Lantern reboot as well. I honestly didn't keep up with Blue Beetle pre New 52, well, not in recent years anyway. But I am loving this new Blue Beetle, he has a very Kamen Rider aesthetic and feel to him. Right now his stories are pretty fun to read and I can see them staying that way.
CBC: I forgot to ask Jeff this but I am gonna ask you, was there any event or storyline that you felt disappointed by within the last year?
Xaos: Within the last year, I had to think about it, but I remember being very hype for Fear Itself and being disappointed by certain parts. The build up to it, I loved but then seeing the hammers and everything I was thinking to myself "blackest night?" I guess it becomes a bigger disappointment because it's Matt Fraction and I really enjoy his writing, especially Iron Fist
CBC: Ah. Who are some of your favorite writers? Who are some of your favorite artists?
Xaos: For writers, I enjoy Mark Millar, Brian Michael Bendis, Brian Azzarello, Ed Brubaker, and Dan Slott. For artists I really like Alex Ross, Joe Madureira, Ed McGuiness, George Perez, and Francis Manapul.
CBC: Awesome. You are also an artist too. What influenced you to be an artist?
Xaos: What originally influenced me to be an artist was when a certain anime I watched as a kid called Dragon Ball Z. Almost everybody at school from 4th grade to 6th grade would come up with their own characters and I did the same. But different than the other kids instead of just making a bunch of different levels of super saiyan and the like, I actually cared about the story I was making. Tenchi Muyo, and the X Men cartoon also influenced my style of art. Before deciding to become an artist I merely fancied myself a writer. I've got a big explanation for that as well, if you ask. :D
CBC: So you would say you are an artist/writer?
Xaos: Yes, I would. Every time I think of a picture to draw I think of a story to go with it. I don't always talk about it, but every single one has a story... unless they're design sheets. XD
CBC: lol
Xaos: While trying to get into comic book business I feel that even if they don't like my art, I can win them with my stories.
CBC: Giving you a great chance of breaking into the business. I see. Do you have any art/writing projects coming up?
Xaos: I do actually. For writing there's this story I've been working called "March On" about two friends from the lower classes of society fighting the world essentially. As for art projects I have this "pin up" calendar I've been working on. Things have been slow with that but with more time on my hands I should get that done BEFORE 2013. XD Very recently I've also had this idea to draw people from the internet as I IMAGINE them looking, whether I know what they look like or not, I won't take that into consideration I'll just let their personality shine in my pieces.
CBC: That is awesome. Who are some of the comic book creators you would love to work with?
Xaos: Great question. If I had the opportunity, and this was a candy land where everyone is still alive I would love to work with legends Jack Kirby, and Superman creators Siegel and Shuster, and of course Stan Lee. Currently, I think me and Ed McGuiness would work great together, and I would love to have the opportunity to draw for a Matt Fraction story. Stan Lee, of course, not dead, if any reader gets confused by my sentence
CBC: Anything that you are looking forward to in comics this year?
Xaos: My mind ,of course, just HAS to blank right now on most things happening right now. But I really am looking forward to Avengers versus X Men, cautious optimism you could say. I'm also looking forward to what the new team on the current Superman series come up with after George Perez leaves.
CBC: Good List. What is coming up for you this year on the Ikaricast and other projects?
Xaos: For the Ikaricast I'm going to try and see if we can bring even more podcasters together in future episodes. Currently we have Soul Bro Ryu of Gundamn! to join us this week for a special fighting game centric episode, but in the future I would also like to see if I can get the hosts of podcasts like the AAA podcast and VVV gaming podcast. See if we can make podcasting at least a little bit more of a tight knit community. As for other projects I plan to not only write that "March On" story I was telling you about but these other stories I have after I finish with that. Also, if I can learn it well enough I plan to make some flash cartoons actually, I always wanted to do those.
CBC: That is awesome. Final question: Any last words for our readers?
Xaos: My last words for the readers, NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS! Also, stay humble, and lastly NIMYOU KANRYOU! (mission complete)
CBC: Thank you again Xaos.
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