by Frankie Rodriguez
Judge Dredd has been one of the most iconic British comic book characters. And now, for the first time in 18 years, he will be returning to the US will brand new adventures. IDW recently went into partnership with Rebellion, the publisher behind all the Judge Dredd stories in the UK. Thanks to this new partnership, we will not only have new Judge Dredd stories in the states but IDW will reprint old stories.
And this comes at a great time as Judge Dredd will be the subject to a new live action movie coming out this fall, simply called Dredd starting Star Trek's Karl Urban. Expect reprints and a brand new IDW Judge Dredd series this fall.
by Frankie Rodriguez
Wondercon has some interesting announcements from Marvel. This may be one of their biggest. Carol Danvers, currently Ms. Marvel, will be stepping into her own ongoing series once again as she takes on the mantle of Captain Marvel come this July. Writer Kelly Sue DeConnick will be scribing the new ongoing, the first for her in Marvel. She and artist Dexter Soy will take on the character come July.
The series will take place after the events of Avengers vs X-Men maxi-series as Carol decides to take on the classic identity. Kelly Sue DeConnick talks about the upcoming book, from Newsrama:
The feminist movement hit a really spectacular high in the 1970s and Gerry Conway was not shy about exploring the issues of the modern woman as well as he could in the context of a superhero comic. I mean, those old books are really something to be proud of. I think, in many ways, they're more cutting edge than most of what we're putting out today. And the name was perfect — it told you exactly what to expect from the book, exactly what he wanted to explore.
Today... well, we could have a long conversation about the successes and failures of the feminist movement — if you ever want to see me Hulk-out, let's go to dinner and discuss — but the feels a little bit like a relic. She's not auxiliary to Captain Marvel anymore. He's gone. And she's got a long history of her own. It's time to stop being an adjunct and take the mantle...
The Marvel Universe is founded on Daddy Issues and Carol's no exception to that — she's the hyper-competitive eldest in a family of boys, headed by an old-fashioned man's man. While there's no doubt that her father loved her, I don't think she ever got the respect or approval from him that every little girl so desperately wants from her daddy. And her dad's gone now, so she's never going to get it, but she is who she is and she's driven to move faster, fly higher, work harder than anyone who comes up against her — friend or foe.
There's a tension to Carol I think, like she's always on the brink of exploding, be it with fury, joy or even pure energy.
Captain Marvel, written by Kelly Sue DeConnick with art by Dexter Soy, will hit shelves this July.
by Frankie Rodriguez
NOTE: The following article contains spoilers on current issues of both Nightwing and Batman.
For months, Kyle Higgins has built and entire mystery about Haly's Circus and Dick Grayson's past. For months, Scott Synder has built Gotham City into its own being and building up the Court of Owls, a secret society that has been running Gotham for years. Now, mysteries that were set from the moment their debut issues appeared as part of the new 52, Nightwing and Batman titles have hinted at Dick Grayson being a murder. Now, a mystery stands revealed: Haley Circus is a training ground for the Court of Owls's picking of their assassin, a Talon. And Dick Grayson was chosen to be one of them as a child.
Yet, Dick's parents dying and Bruce adopting Dick took him away from that fate. Yet, it caused a rift between the two as Bruce thinks the Court of Owls is a larger threat than they were while Dick believes that the Court is just another group of bad guys. It was revealed that the Court of Owls use a compound on a tooth of whichever person they use to be their Talon to be heal and to resurrect their body to use to kill them.
Both Synder and Higgins reveal that the Night of Owls crossover will go through all the bat books: ( Batman, Detective Comics, Batman & Robin, Batwoman, Red Hood & the Outlaw, Batwing, Batman: Dark Night and Catwoman) will feature of a Talon from different eras of the 150 plus years of the existence of the Court of Owls going up against a member of the Bat-family, including Red Robin.
Synder gives us a view of the Court of Owls and how Bruce feels about this, from Newsrama:
For a long time now, the Court of Owls has been claiming that they're the true legend and true proprietor and almost owner of Gotham, or shaper of Gotham, the lords of Gotham. And that Batman is just a blip on the screen of history.
This story wasn't just about being shocking or sensational. The point was to really continue with that theme in the most devastating way to Bruce. Not only has he seen that the Court of Owls has been around for a very long time and has owned the city more than he could ever hope to, but what they've done in the past has also affected and shaped the lives of people in both his biological family and his adopted Bat-family, in ways that he's just starting to understand.
The things that [have happened around Bruce], even if Dick escaped his fate as a Talon, have all been touched by what the Court was planning or has done. That is the point of the twist here, is to say, not only have we been around a long time and everything you feared about us in that regard is true — all of our resources, all of our knowledge of the city, all of our influence and all of our power — but what we've done over the years has shaped your own mythology and your own lineage and your life and the lives of people you love.
The Court of Owls crossover begins in April and goes through May in the Bat-books.
From Image Comics
Demand for new blockbuster series from Image Comics outstrips supply
The demand for the debut issues of two of Image Comics' newest comic book series, SAGA and THE MANHATTAN PROJECTS, has been so strong that the publisher has already ordered third printings for both titles.
The reprint print run for SAGA #1 was more than twice the usual quantity for second printings, but orders from retailers eager to get the critically-acclaimed first issue in the hands of customers kept rolling in, making a third printing necessary before the second printing is even in stores.
"Saga is the kind of comic that you get when truly talented superstar creators are given the freedom to produce their dream comic," wrote Entertainment Weekly's Jeff Jensen in his review of the issue.
SAGA tells the story of a young family, caught between two sides in a galactic war, striving to find safety for their newborn daughter. It is a monthly full-color comic book.
The second printing of SAGA #1 will be in stores on the same day as #2, April 11, and the third printing will be on sale on April 25.
by Frankie Rodriguez
In the recent episode (epsiode 25) of Young Justice entited "The Usual Suspects", Milestone character Icon was inducted into the Justice League. What was even better was that his sidekick, Rocket, was inducted into Young Justice. Icon was considered the"Black Superman" in Milestone but he was quite different. And Rocket, a female with a special belt that let her fly and generate a field that she could use as a shield or as blasts was a big part of the book.
What does this mean for the Milestone Characters in the comics? Well, we've seen Static & Hardware thus far. Hopefully, their appearances on the show will end up with appearances in the new 52 very soon. Very, very soon I hope.
Batman Saga now with Sin City music.
And Please don't forget to look at my exclusive interview with Tyler Kirkham here. - Frankie Rodriguez
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